Day Four Of Shamelessness

Waste time.

How meta.  I’m wasting time right now as I type these words.  I’m wasting time thinking about what to say and about the cramp I’m getting in my foot and about the background noise Labyrinth is making.  I’m wasting time not showering, not getting dressed, and not making lunch.  I should be grocery shopping or writing my will or making lists.  I should be cleaning, enjoying an unexpected sunny day, or finishing the laundry.  But I’m writing a blog post, in my pajamas, with a cup of tea to my left and my two kids to my right, also wearing their pajamas, sipping their own cups of tea, watching a movie we’ve seen a dozen times.  I could have a nap to make up for the lack of sleep I got last night.  I could paint my toe nails or tidy up my eyebrows or organize my bathroom cupboard.  But all that can wait until later.  Right now, there is time to be wasted and I shouldn’t be wasting it here.


The 30 Days

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

18 thoughts on “Day Four Of Shamelessness

  1. The image of two tea sippin kids has me giggling. Only because of the comparison I have of them to my (and I use the term loosely) boys. Animals would be more accurate, but you know not very PC.

    • Mine take theirs 3/4 milk, 1/2 tsp sugar, 1/4 tea. It’s really just tea-infused milk. Like the tea was wafted through the milk, leaving just an inkling of the flavour.

  2. My tea: 1/2 milk, 1/2 tea, 1/2 tsp sugar.

    Kids watching something with wizards.

    I’m looking forward to digging them out of their pit around noon when I feel pressured by the sunlight to run errands. Specifically, send my grown up toy away for a warranty claim.

  3. i used to drink tea with my toddler. she is 8 now, and loves chai, tea, and coffee. thanks for reminding me of those bonding moments over tea.

    Pinterest is my time waster of choice. I can get lost there.

  4. Pingback: Day Five Of Shamelessness |

  5. Pingback: Day Six Of Shamelessness |

  6. Pingback: Day Seven Of Shamelessness |

  7. Pingback: Day Eight Of Shamelessness |

  8. Pingback: Day Nine Of Shamelessness |

  9. Pingback: Day Ten Of Shamelessness |

  10. Pingback: Day Eleven Of Shamelessness |

  11. Pingback: Day Twelve Of Shamelessness |

  12. Pingback: Day Fifteen Of Shamelessness |

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