About Me

Jen O. (that’s me) writes here about herself.  Sometimes people in her family, sometimes strangers who strike her particularly amusing, and sometimes pictures of LOLcats, but only when she’s really desperate for content.  And also, once in a while, she writes pieces of blood, sweat and tear-infused short fiction. Those are her favourite.  She has two daughters, Eirinn and Avery, a dog, Bosco, and a husband who prefers to remain nameless, so she calls him Anonymous Husband, or AH for short.

(Enough with the third person)

I mumble in 140 characters or less @JenO_Eh.

And I’m on The Facebook.

Oh, and email.  That’s mytornadoalley [at] gmail [dot] com.  I love email, so send me some.  DO IT.  Do eeet.

If you’ll be so kind as to look to your right, you’ll notice I have WordAds.  I’m open to sponsored posts, hosting giveaways, or reviews (please email me at the above address if you’re interested), but no other ads.  Sorry.