Always The Optimist

Because life is the way it is, of course Eirinn came home from school yesterday in the most magnificent mood.  She had had a great day.  Her friends were nice and played with her and everything was grand.  She was happy.  She said she told her one friend that if she wasn’t nice to her that she wouldn’t come to her birthday party and she wouldn’t buy her a Monster High doll, which is basically bribery and I told her that I was glad she stood up for herself but she shouldn’t bribe people to be her friend.  It’s a start, anyway.  She took her happiness into her own hands, called her friend out, and worked out a solution.  Even if I’m not 100% sold on her methods, it’s a start.  We’ll work on delivery as we go.

I’m not so naive as to think this is a matter solved.  I’m sure there will be times, probably within the week, when she comes home and someone has said or done something that has made her sad or embarrassed or lonely, but we’ll climb that mountain when we get there and enjoy the good days as they come. I’m optimistic that she’ll find her way through this.

For now, let’s listen to some over-played but still great music.  There’s no need to be all wordy when we don’t have to.

There we go.  Everything’s all better now.  Until it’s not, but for now it is.

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