Three Things

Screw this; I’m making my own meme.  Three things (because seven things was soooo two weeks ago) about a bunch of stuff.  Three things in each category that I feel compelled to share.  This one has very few stipulations.  Stuff about things!  Three of them!  I really just had the urge to type words and couldn’t figure out how to do that creatively.

Three Books

I’ve been hitting the books hard lately.  I’m on Goodreads and every year I set a goal for myself for how many books I’ll read.  I’m not a fast reader, so it’s not a competition or anything, but I find it’s a good way to keep motivated to allow myself some Just For Me Time.  Last year, I fell dreadfully short of my 40-book goal with 30 read.  I blame George R.R. Martin, seeing as I read the first four books in the Song Of Fire And Ice series, which total over 4,000 pages.  I could have read probably 10 fair sized books for that, but what can you do?  I made up ground with some graphic novels, so I suppose it all evened out in the end and I have no one to blame but my slow reading and high expectations.  This year I have lowered those expectations and my goal is a modest 30.  If I could do it last year with Martin bogging me down (with joy – my GOD, I fell in love with those books), I can do it this year with just one published volume left to read.  I’ve already steamed my way through nine and make it a point to read at least a few pages almost every single day.

Three books I’ve read recently that I’d recommend/read again/treasure forever (although, I treasure all of my books like they’re my wee little babies) are:

1. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Yeah, yeah.  It’s a children’s book and everyone already read it way back when they were 12, like they should have.  Well, I didn’t because I didn’t partake in pleasure-reading (reading for the fun of it, not just because a book had been assigned as a part of the curriculum) until I was well into my late teens.  By then, I was too proud to read kids books.  Well, silly me because I missed out.  Who cares if you’re a grown adult; The Hobbit is entertaining to anyone.

2. A Storm Of Swords by George R.R. Martin

Of the volumes I’ve read in this series (like I said, the first four), this, the third, is by far my favourite.  I don’t know if it’s because with the first two, the HBO show sort of spoiled them for me.  I knew what was going on, picturing it as it happened, and only the small details were any sort of surprise.  With the third, not only was there a breath of fresh action and suspense that was mostly absent from A Clash Of Kings, but for the first time, I had no idea what was going to happen.  I am completely sold on Martin’s whole world, but this third book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time.

3.  Fables by Bill Willingham

The whole series.  I started reading comics and graphic novels early last year, thanks to The Walking Dead, and I’ve picked up a few series along the way.  Y: The Last Man, American Vampire, iZombie, Sandman, and Fables, so far.  I prefer the deluxe editions because they’re pretty and the pack several issues into one hardcover book (with The Walking Dead, I’ve read and own the two enormous Compendiums).  Fables is my favourite (aside from The Walking Dead).  The concept – characters from fairy tales and fables (obvs) have crossed over into our world and are co-existing with us, but still must deal with their own, unique issues – is right up my alley.  I grew up wanting to BE Alice IN Wonderland.

Three Movies

These might not be my New Favourite Movies Of All Time.  They might not even be my very favourite movies of the last year, but they’re movies I enjoyed and they were the first to come to mind when I asked myself, “self? What movies would you recommend and/or watch again that you’ve seen recently?”

1. Pitch Perfect

While I was watching this (alone, because AH refused), I decided it actually would be one of my favourite movies about 15 minutes in.  Truth be told, I was probably sold when she yarfed all over the stage.  I’m a sucker for a good public puking.  I have a feeling it’s one of those movies that’s even funnier when you talk about it and quote than it is while you’re watching it, but I don’t care.  How can you not love a movie with the line “I ate my twin sister in the womb”?  You can’t.  You have to love it.

pitch perfect!

2.  The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Broken record, here, but The Hobbit story is just plain good, so it’s a relief that so was the movie.  Not just good, but great, and when the dwarves sing the haunting Misty Mountain, you aren’t alive if you don’t get goosebumps.  I’ve grown more and more fond of the fantasy/adventure genre and thanks to The Hobbit, I think I’ll go back and re-watch the LOTR series because I just didn’t appreciate them as I should have when they came out.

3.  21 Jump Street

This has been out a while, but I keep going back to it because I just can’t not laugh.  It’s reliable, is what it is.  I can not keep myself together at that part?  With the drugs?  And the phases?  And the science class?  Soiled gatchies, every time.

Three Songs

1. Serena Ryder – Stompa

This one’s got a good beat, a catchy chorus, and an uplifting message.

2. Macklemore – Thrift Shop

This song is hilarious, the kids like to sing along, and I predict it will be one of those songs we reminisce about, like I Like Big Butts or Can’t Touch This.  Maybe not to that scale, but in the backs of our minds, in 10 years, we’ll still remember an embarrassing number of the lyrics.

3. Imagine Dragons – Radioactive

I have a thing about songs with really interesting background noises.  Alex Clare’s Too Close could have been an easy example here, too, but I chose this one because it’s newer.  I crank Radioactive up as loud as I can stand it and just listen.

Three Laughs

I use Pinterest for two boards: Humo(u)r and Geek.  Ain’t nobody got time for the recipes and the decorating, so it’s purely for mindless entertainment for me.  Much like the rest of the internet.

1.  27 Reasons Why Kids Are Actually The Worst


They are not his teeth and that is not his bush baby.

3. Dog Shaming: I knock over the neighbors kids...

Three Things I Said On Twitter That I Laughed At (Because I Think I’m Pretty Damn Funny)

1.  “Kid refuses to eat her salad with a fork and then picks her nose with a finger covered in dressing. Today is the day my brain explodes.”

2.  “I’m so bored with “fine.” Next time someone asks me how I am, I’m either constipated or riddled with STDs, the bad ones.”

3.  “4 y/o, right in my face at 4am: “I vomitted on my bed,” said with puke all over her face. In case you thought you were having a bad day.”


If you want to read what I’m reading, stalk me on Goodreads.

If you want to watch what I’m watching, stalk me on Get Glue.

If you want to hear what I’m listening to, tune in to 102.1 The Edge and click the Listen Live button.

If you want to giggle at what I find funny, stalk me on Pinterest.

If you want to eye-roll at what I’m whining about, stalk me on Twitter.

2 thoughts on “Three Things

  1. Love Pitch Perfect and 21 Jump Street. Am now following you on Pinterest because those photos were the best laugh of my night. It never occurred to me to use Pinterest for laughs – now maybe I’ll actually use it!

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